
Microsoft 365 is a powerful suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools that can help you run your business efficiently and securely. But did you know that you can also leverage the power of Dynamics 365 and Copilot AI to take your customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing to the next level?

Dynamics 365 is a set of intelligent business applications that integrate seamlessly with Microsoft 365 and enable you to manage your sales, customer service, marketing, and more. Copilot AI is a feature of Dynamics 365 that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assist you with tasks such as generating leads, creating proposals, and following up with customers.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using Dynamics 365 and Copilot AI for CRM and marketing, and how they can help you grow your business and delight your customers.

Benefits of Dynamics 365 for CRM and marketing

Dynamics 365 offers a range of solutions that can help you manage and optimize your customer interactions and marketing campaigns. Some of the benefits of using Dynamics 365 for CRM and marketing are:

  • Unified data and insights: Dynamics 365 connects with Microsoft 365 and other data sources to provide you with a holistic view of your customers and prospects. You can access and analyze data from multiple channels, such as email, social media, web, and phone, and gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs.

  • Personalized and relevant communication: Dynamics 365 enables you to segment your audience based on criteria such as location, industry, purchase history, and engagement level. You can then tailor your messages and offers to each segment and
  • deliver them through the most appropriate channel and time. You can also use Dynamics 365 to create and track personalized journeys for each customer, and nurture them along the sales funnel.
  • Automated and streamlined workflows: Dynamics 365 helps you automate and simplify your CRM and marketing processes, such as lead generation, qualification, scoring, and assignment. You can also use Dynamics 365 to create and execute marketing campaigns, such as email, webinars, events, and surveys, and measure their effectiveness and ROI. You can also integrate Dynamics 365 with other tools, such as Outlook, Teams, and Power BI, to enhance your productivity and collaboration.

Benefits of Copilot AI for CRM and marketing

Copilot AI is a feature of Dynamics 365 that uses AI to assist you with CRM and marketing tasks. Copilot AI can help you:

  • Generate more leads: Copilot AI can help you find and connect with potential customers who are interested in your products or services. Copilot AI can scan the web and social media for relevant prospects, and send them personalized messages and invitations to engage with you.
  • Create better proposals: Copilot AI can help you create professional and persuasive proposals that showcase your value proposition and address your customers’ pain points. Copilot AI can suggest the best content, layout, and design for your proposals, and help you customize them for each customer.
  • Follow up with customers: Copilot AI can help you stay in touch with your customers and prospects, and ensure that you don’t miss any opportunities or deadlines. Copilot AI can remind you to follow up with customers and suggest the best time and channel to do so. Copilot AI can also help you respond to customer queries and requests, and provide relevant information and solutions.


Microsoft 365 is a great platform for running your business, but it can be even better with Dynamics 365 and Copilot AI. By using these tools, you can enhance your CRM and marketing capabilities, and achieve better results and customer satisfaction. Dynamics 365 and Copilot AI can help you:

  • Access and leverage unified data and insights
  • Communicate with your customers and prospects in a personalized and relevant way
  • Automate and streamline your CRM and marketing workflows
  • Generate more leads, create better proposals, and follow up with customers

If you want to learn more about Dynamics 365 and Copilot AI, and how they can help you grow your business, contact us at [email protected] and our customer success manager can help you to learn more.

In the fast-paced business environment of today, staying on top of meetings and understanding all the discussions, especially when they occur in different languages, can be challenging.

As a Dutch professional working in Taiwan, I often face this challenge due to the language barrier. Fortunately, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Copilot offer powerful tools to record, transcribe, and translate meetings, making communication seamless and efficient.

This beginner’s guide will walk you through the steps to leverage these tools effectively.

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Recording and Transcription

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates people, content, and tools to engage in seamless collaboration. It is widely used for chat, meetings, file sharing, and app integration. One of its standout features is the ability to record meetings and transcribe them, making it an invaluable tool for documenting conversations and actions.

Why Use Recording and Transcription?

Recording and transcription in Microsoft Teams help ensure that you don’t miss any critical information discussed during meetings. This is particularly useful for multilingual teams or when detailed minutes are required. The transcription feature can convert spoken language into written text, allowing you to review and search through the content easily.

Setting Up Microsoft Teams for Recording and Transcription

Enabling Meeting Recording

To start recording a meeting in Microsoft Teams, follow these steps:

  1. Start or join a meeting in Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on the three dots (...) in the meeting control bar to open more options.
  3. Select Start recording from the dropdown menu. The recording will begin, and participants will be notified.
  4. Transcription will automatically start together with the recording.

Teams Start Meeting Recording

Customizing Language Settings for Transcription

Setting the Spoken Language

To ensure accurate transcription, it’s crucial to set the correct spoken language:

  1. During the meeting, click on the three dots (...) and select Meeting options.
  2. In the Meeting options panel, find the Language section.
  3. Select the spoken language used in the meeting (e.g., Chinese – Simplified or Traditional).
  4. Save the settings to apply the changes.

Post-Meeting Access to Transcripts

After the meeting ends, the transcript will be available in the meeting chat and the files tab. You can download the transcript for further review and translation.

Utilizing Microsoft 365 Copilot for Transcript Review

Introduction to Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered assistant that can help you with various tasks, including document summarization and translation. It can be especially useful for reviewing meeting transcripts by providing summaries and translating text.

Summarizing the Transcript

To summarize a transcript using Copilot:

  1. Open the downloaded transcript in Microsoft Word.
  2. In the Copilot pane, type: “Summarize this document.”
  3. Copilot will generate a summary of the key points discussed in the meeting, making it easier to grasp the main ideas quickly.

Translating the Transcript

If your transcript is not in english. (if you have not set the language correctly during recording!) you can translate it back to your own language:

  1. Open the transcript in Microsoft Word.
  2. In the Copilot pane, type: “Translate this document to English.”
  3. Copilot will translate the text, allowing you to understand the content in your preferred language.

Extracting Key Points and Generating Reports

Highlighting Key Points

To highlight the main points from the transcript:

  1. Use Copilot in Microsoft Word by typing: “What are the main points from this meeting.”
  2. Review the highlighted text to focus on the critical information discussed during the meeting.

Creating a Summary Report

To create a report based on the meeting transcript:

  1. Open the transcript in Microsoft Word.
  2. Use Copilot with a prompt like: “Create a summary report from this transcript.”
  3. Copilot will generate a draft report, which you can then edit and refine as needed.

Reviewing and Refining the Report

Once Copilot generates the report, review it carefully. Make any necessary edits to ensure it accurately reflects the meeting’s discussions and key points. This report can then be shared with your team for further action.

Practical Tips and Best Practices

Ensuring Clear Audio

For the best transcription results, ensure that all participants speak clearly. If you use your laptop or your phone, lay it in the middle of the table close to all participants. This will minimize errors in the transcription and make the review process smoother.

Update The Language Settings Before Your Meeting

Always check and update the language settings before starting the transcription, especially if your meetings involve multiple languages. This helps in achieving accurate transcriptions. If you forget, no problem! You can always have copilot translate the meeting transcription.


Teams together with Copilot for Microsoft 365 has been a real life saver for me when it comes to having meetings where I don’t fully speak the native language.

By utilizing Microsoft Teams for recording and transcription and Microsoft 365 Copilot for reviewing and translating transcripts, you can ensure that no critical information is “lost in translation”.

I hope you find this article useful. If you have more tips on how to utilize Copilot and Teams for meetings, let me know!

You’ve entered a world where AI is like a friendly buddy you can talk to anytime. Need some help? Just write what you want in the Microsoft Copilot chat window.

Copilot can do many things for you, like giving you a quick answer, a nice picture, or even a fancy graph.

But keep in mind that the clearer you are with Copilot about what you want, the better it can show you what it can do. The secret to making the most of Copilot’s abilities is prompting—the skill of giving clear and concise instructions or questions.

The quality of Copilot’s responses depends on the accuracy of your prompts, so it’s an important skill for using the power of AI assistance.

What is Copilot prompting?

1.Provide clear and concise prompts.

When interacting with Copilot for Microsoft 365, it’s crucial to be both clear and concise.

  • Clear: Make your request or query unambiguous.
  • Concise: Keep it brief without sacrificing clarity.

Microsoft built Copilot to act, so telling Copilot what “to do” rather than what “not to do” is more effective. Try using “if-then” instructions.

2.Experiment with different styles.

Get creative and experiment with different styles to home in on answers that fit your needs. Try specifying tone (neutral, casual, professional) or giving guidance for what kind of language to use. For example, “Use language a nontechnical person could understand.”

3.Give Copilot a point of view from which to answer.

When you provide a point of view from which to answer, it helps Copilot understand the context of your request and generate more accurate responses.Usually, that involves the explanation about who you are and what you’re trying to achieve so the AI can roleplay. For example:

  • You’re a social media manager writing Instagram post copy.
  • You’re a marketing manager working on a new campaign marketing proposal.

You can also ask for a response in the style of a specific persona or approach, such as:

  • Tell me how to solve this problem with the expertise of a business professor.
  • Teach me about this sustainability concept in a way a nontechnical person could understand.

4.Be Iterative. Experimentation is important.

Some people make the mistake of quitting after a single prompt gets an unsatisfactory response. Working with Copilot is a dynamic and interactive process, where you and your Copilot collaborate to produce content, tackle complex problems, and acquire new information based on your goals, expectations, and feedback. And your initial prompt is just the start. As you provide more details and context, that conversation helps Copilot understand what you want and generate more relevant outputs. For example, “Please create a storyboard for a 60-minute keynote where I need to get a room full of salespeople engaged about our new approach to sustainability. Use these files as background.


These tips can help new users improve their experience with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and take advantage of its features. If you need any help with Copilot, please contact AccessOrange for support.

What makes a good prompt?

What exactly is Microsoft 365? Can it fully replace the traditional Office suite? The answer lies in both Yes and No.

Microsoft 365 is a comprehensive cloud-powered suite of productivity and collaboration tools offered by Microsoft. It seamlessly combines familiar software applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook with cloud-based services such as OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and Exchange Online.

Microsoft 365 provides users with access to these applications and services across multiple devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, allowing for seamless collaboration and productivity from anywhere. It also offers features like real-time co-authoring, file sharing, email, and calendar management.

Microsoft 365 is available in different plans and subscriptions tailored to the needs of various users and organizations, including small businesses, enterprises, and educational institutions. It offers flexible licensing options and scalability, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

* Prices may vary depending on the region.

As a small business owner, technology can be both a blessing and a potential risk. While it has the potential to enhance productivity and streamline your business operations, it also exposes you to cyber threats. Microsoft 365 is specifically designed to facilitate a smooth transition to the cloud while prioritizing security and productivity. Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Premium is an integrated solution that not only saves you up to 60% on licensing costs but also brings together connectivity and intelligence to help you innovate, build resilience, and compete more effectively.

Moreover, Microsoft 365 is now empowered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) assistant. You can now use Copilot in M365 to optimize your daily work. This AI assistant streamlines your daily tasks, making work more efficient:

  • Email Summaries: Condense lengthy email threads into bite-sized insights.
  • Data Visualization: Transform sales data queries into clear, informative charts.
  • Presentation Magic: Convert Word documents seamlessly into slide presentations.
  • Team Insights: Capture essential points from team chats effortlessly.
  • Meeting Management: Schedule follow-ups based on meeting summaries.

At AccessOrange, we are committed to helping small businesses like yours succeed. As a Microsoft Partner we can simplify license provisioning, renewal, and billing processes with our professional IT support, saving you time and effort so you can focus on your core business.

Contact us if you are interested to order or talk to our customer success manager.

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Join us at the “Security Data in the AI-driven World with Microsoft 365 and Copilot” free seminar and enhance your security knowledge.

Discover insights on M365 Security Framework, explore the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot, and learn about AccessOrange’s Managed Security Service.

Our distinguished speakers include:

  1. Roald Andersen, Founder and CEO of AccessOrange, who will delve into effective data security management for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).
  2. Justin Chan, Channel Lead, Modern Work, Security and Copilot at Microsoft.
  3. Chadymae Barinan, Cloud Solution Architect – Modern Work + Security at Ingram Micro.

During this seminar, you’ll gain insights into the M365 Security Framework, explore the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot, and learn about AccessOrange’s Managed Security Service.

Plus, enjoy a free lunch while networking with industry experts in the free seminar. Seats are limited, so register now!

Date: Tuesday, 30th April 2024 

 Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 

Venue: MPR Room, 11th floor, Microsoft Office, Frasers Tower, 182 Cecil St, #13-01, Singapore 069547 



09:30-10:00: Registration

10:00-10:15: Opening Remarks

10:15-11:00: M365 Security Framework

11:00-11:30: Microsoft 365 Copilot

11:30-12:00: Introducing AccessOrange Managed Security Service

12:00-13:00: Lunch and Networking


*Free lunch will be provided. Seats are limited, so it’s first come, first served! 


Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your security knowledge!

Free seminar agenda and speaker details

What is Microsoft Teams Premium?

Microsoft Teams Premium is an exciting addition to the existing Teams ecosystem, designed to enhance your collaboration and communication. Whether you’re a small team or a large organization, Teams Premium offers advanced features that elevate your virtual meetings, making them more personalized, intelligent, and secure. Let’s explore the key features and use cases that set Teams Premium apart.

Key Features of Microsoft Teams Premium

Personalized and Intelligent Meetings:

  • AI-Powered Meeting Notes: Take meeting notes effortlessly with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • Task Assignment with AI: Assign tasks during meetings using AI-driven suggestions.
  • Live Caption Translation: Enjoy live captions in 40 languages during your meetings.
  • Personalized Timeline Markers: Easily navigate meeting recordings with personalized markers.
  • Speaker Suggestions: AI-powered speaker suggestions enhance your meeting transcripts.

Enhanced Protection for Meetings:

  • Advanced Security Measures: Teams Premium ensures robust security for your meetings.
  • Protection Against Unauthorized Access: Safeguard your virtual gatherings from unwanted participants.

Management and Reporting Capabilities:

  • Advanced IT Management: Gain insights and manage your Teams environment effectively.
  • Detailed Reporting: Access comprehensive reports to track usage and performance.

Microsoft Teams Premium also introduces intelligent meeting analytics. Dive into detailed metrics such as participant engagement, meeting duration, and content sharing patterns. Use these insights to fine-tune your collaboration strategies and drive better outcomes.

Use Cases

  • One-on-One Meetings: Whether it’s a performance review, coaching session, or client consultation, Teams Premium ensures that individual discussions are productive and efficient.
  • Large Meetings: Host webinars, town halls, or company-wide gatherings with confidence. The AI features simplify managing large audiences, improve engagement, and enhance the overall experience.
  • Virtual Appointments: Healthcare professionals, consultants, and educators can provide personalized virtual consultations. Teams Premium supports secure and seamless interactions.


In summary, Microsoft Teams Premium is your smart companion for intelligent, engaging, and protected collaboration. So go ahead, elevate your Teams experience, and make every meeting count!


In today’s security-conscious environment, organizations are actively seeking efficient ways to quickly assess their security status. They want to gain insights into their vulnerabilities, leveraging data from their company infrastructure. Our Cyber Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) offers an automated scanning and analysis solution to address this need. By providing personalized recommendations and an action plan, the CSAT empowers organizations to improve their security practices and demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding their assets.

The CSAT QuickScan Assessment: A Game-Changer for SMBs:

The CSAT QuickScan Assessment is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by SMBs, taking into account their limited resources, time constraints, and the need for a streamlined evaluation process. By leveraging this assessment, SMBs can gain valuable insights into their current cybersecurity posture, enabling them to identify vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to mitigate risks.


Actionable Next Steps:

One of the key strengths of the CSAT QuickScan Assessment is its ability to define actionable next steps for SMBs. The assessment report not only highlights areas of weakness but also provides concrete recommendations for improvement. These recommendations may include implementing specific processes, adopting relevant tooling, or enhancing employee training programs. By following these recommendations, SMBs can make informed decisions and take immediate steps to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses.


In an era where cyber threats continue to evolve, SMBs must prioritize their cybersecurity efforts. The CSAT QuickScan Assessment offers a practical solution tailored to the needs of SMBs, enabling them to assess their security posture effectively. By leveraging this assessment, SMBs can gain valuable insights, measure their cybersecurity maturity, and take targeted actions to enhance their defenses. With the CSAT QuickScan Assessment, SMBs can proactively protect their business, customers, and reputation in today’s digital landscape.

Contact us for more information

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