標籤存檔: Malware

針對 Office 365 客戶的電子郵件詐騙

請注意,目前有一個針對 Office 365 客戶的線上電子郵件騙局正流行



此電子郵件中的鏈接會將您重定向到“假的”Office 365登入頁面。

當使用者輸入使用者名和密碼時, 它將直接發送到駭客, 他們可以使用資訊登入您的 Office 365 帳戶。

請與您的所有的同事分享此資訊, 以防止任何敏感資訊洩漏。


我們理解, 有時您不確定電子郵件中的 onedrive 連結是否安全。通常, 您可以通過將滑鼠懸停在圖示上來檢查連結是否安全。在這種垃圾郵件的情況下, 您可以看到以下內容:。
你可以看到連結導向 http//alutech-sr.it.
很顯然,這不是Office 365或Microsoft網站。所以如果您不確定電子郵件的來源,請在打開文件之前先與發件人聯繫。


想要更多地了解其他方法來保護您的組織免受欺詐和惡意軟件的侵害?請盡快 與我們聯繫 。

Protect your organization against Ransomware

Make sure your business will not be the next one to appear on the news

Ransomware Infection Alert

Two Hong Kong travel agencies were hacked this week, having their company information held ransom, seeking a payout in bitcoin.

In the past weeks, similar incidents have happened with other companies, severely impacting their business.

Don’t become the next victim

AccessOrange can help you implement the tools that protect your network and your data.

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransom Protection

Protect your computers against ransom and malware infections with multi-layered, cloud-managed security via a single agent.

Malwarebytes Alert Window

Due to its AI, Machine Learning capabilities, Malwarebytes proactively identifies unknown viruses and malware based on anomalous features from known good files, making it more effective than any other anti-virus software that is out there.

Cloud Based Platform

The Malwarebytes console provides centralized policy management and consolidated threat visibility across all endpoints. Also including asset management capabilities. (Monitoring which software has been installed on the computer).

Malwarebytes Cloud Console Screenshot

Protect Yourself,  Start Using it Today!