隨著網絡攻擊和數據洩露的興起,企業和個人越來越多地轉向多因素身份驗證 (MFA) 來保護他們的帳戶。 MFA 是一種安全機制,要求用戶提供兩種或多種形式的身份驗證才能登入帳戶。 一種此類形式的 MFA 是使用基於時間的一次性密碼 (TOTP),由應用程序或設備產生它提供一個唯一代碼,該代碼在短時間後就無效。 Microsoft 的 Authenticator 就是這種APP,它提供 TOTP 和其他 MFA 方法。 但,並非所有人都有安裝這個APP,而且這也不見得都適合每個人。 這就是 Outlook 的 Authenticator Lite 功能的用武之地。

什麼是 Authenticator Lite?

Authenticator Lite 是 Outlook 中的一項功能,允許用戶使用其 iOS 或 Android 設備為其工作或學校帳戶完成多重身份驗證。 它可以讓沒有下載 Microsoft Authenticator 的用戶提供批准身份驗證請求,並在 Outlook 中接收 TOTP 代碼的能力。 此功能將 Authenticator 的安全性帶到一個方便的位置,對於仍然使用電信傳輸進行身份驗證的用戶特別有用。

Authenticator Lite 何時可用?

Outlook 中的此功能於 2023 年 3 月開始推出,從公共預覽版開始。 功能控件可通過 MS Graph 使用。 這將在 2023 年 4 月下旬全面上市。 5 月 26 日,此功能將預設為所有用戶啟用,除非管理員在此之前已先設定為禁用或啟用。 5 月 26 日之前配置的任何設置都不會更改。

如何啟用 Authenticator Lite?

管理員可以通過利用 Azure Active Directory 中的身份驗證方法策略來啟用此功能。 從 3 月中旬開始,用戶可以選擇從 Azure Active Directory 為其用戶啟用此預覽。 強烈建議,在公共預覽期間若您尚未下載 Microsoft Authenticator 應用程式(或其他強身份驗證方法)的用戶。

如果該功能在 5 月 26 日仍設置為“Microsoft 託管”,則用戶將有資格獲得 Microsoft 啟用的功能。 為防止自動啟用,應將狀態移至“已禁用”或在日期之前設置用戶包含和排除組。

為什麼使用 Authenticator Lite?

雖然建議下載 Authenticator 應用程式以獲得最新的安全功能,但 Authenticator Lite 是那些尚未下載或無法下載的用戶的最好選擇。 這為他們的帳戶提供了額外的安全層,用戶可以批准身份驗證請求並在 Outlook 中接收 TOTP 代碼,從而節省他們的時間和麻煩。 這對那些仍然使用電信傳輸進行身份驗證的人特別有用,因為它為他們現有的身份驗證方法增加了安全性增強。


種種因素顯示,身份驗證是當今網絡安全領域的重要工具。 借助 Authenticator Lite,Outlook 可將 Authenticator 的安全性帶到一個方便的位置,供尚未下載MFA的用戶使用。 對於那些仍然使用電信傳輸進行身份驗證(MFA)的人來說,這是一個很好的選擇,為他們的帳戶提供了額外的安全層。 管理員可以利用 Azure Active Directory 中的身份驗證方法策略啟用此功能,用戶可以選擇從 3 月中旬開始啟用此預覽版。 隨著該功能於 3 月推出公共預覽版並於 4 月全面推出,現在是探索 Authenticator Lite 並為您的帳戶提供額外安全性的最佳時機。

Microsoft 365 Copilot: The Future of AI-Powered Productivity

Feature Examples:

  • Automatically Building a PowerPoint Deck from content
  • Convert Word doc to PowerPoint presentation
  • Excel data manipulation
  • Analyze and reply emails
  • Teams Chat summary and interaction live in meetings and meeting summaries
  • Viva Sales meeting preparation and live in-meeting coaching and putting data directly into CRM
  • Generate a Power Automate workflow
  • Business Chat Demo – Customer interaction summary and generating a SWOT analysis

In today’s fast-paced digital world, productivity is key. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a small business owner, you need to be able to get things done quickly and efficiently. That’s where Microsoft 365 Copilot comes in. This AI-powered feature is designed to provide personalized assistance and automate tasks within the Microsoft 365 suite of applications. In this article, we’ll explore the features and benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot, and take a closer look at how it works.

What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered feature that provides personalized assistance to users within the Microsoft 365 suite of applications. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand user queries and provide real-time assistance. Copilot is currently in preview and is available to a limited number of users.

Introduction Video about Microsoft 365 AutoPilot

How Does Microsoft 365 Copilot Work?

Microsoft 365 Copilot works by analyzing user behavior and preferences within Microsoft 365 applications. It uses NLP to understand user queries and provide personalized assistance based on the context of the query. For example, if a user types “How do I format a document?”, Copilot will analyze the query and provide step-by-step instructions on how to format a document.

Copilot can also automate certain tasks within Microsoft 365 applications. For example, if a user is working on a document and wants to add a table of contents, they can simply type “Add table of contents” and Copilot will automatically generate a table of contents based on the headings in the document.

Benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot offers a number of benefits to users, including:

  1. Increased productivity: Copilot can help users complete tasks more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and effort required to perform certain tasks within Microsoft 365 applications.
  2. Personalized assistance: Copilot can learn from a user’s behavior and preferences to provide personalized assistance and recommendations.
  3. Real-time assistance: Copilot can provide real-time assistance to users as they work in Microsoft 365 applications, helping them complete tasks more quickly and efficiently.
  4. Task automation: Copilot can automate certain tasks within Microsoft 365 applications, reducing the need for manual input and reducing the risk of errors.
  5. Multilingual support: Copilot can support multiple languages, making it accessible to users around the world.

What Tasks Can Microsoft 365 Copilot Help With?

Microsoft 365 Copilot can help with a variety of tasks within the Microsoft 365 suite of applications, including:

  1. Document formatting: Copilot can provide step-by-step instructions on how to format a document, including adding headings, tables, and images.
  2. Presentation creation: Copilot can provide suggestions and recommendations for creating effective presentations, including slide design and content.
  3. Email management: Copilot can help users manage their emails more efficiently, including organizing emails, setting up filters, and composing emails.
  4. Spreadsheet creation: Copilot can help users create spreadsheets and perform calculations, including generating charts and graphs.
  5. Task management: Copilot can help users manage tasks and deadlines, including setting up reminders and creating to-do lists.

A few examples:

Microsoft Teams: Copilot can set meeting agendas and schedules. But it will also be an effective decision-maker as the chatbot can list the pros and cons of any discussion and suggest the next steps.

Microsoft Word: Copilot can create a first draft for you based on a prompt. Thanks to Microsoft Graph in the background, Copilot can include content from collaborative documents across the organization. It can even tweak the document to sound professional or casual.

Microsoft Excel: Copilot can work with natural language prompts to give answers that earlier needed complex formulas. You can ask it to show you different visualizations, projections, and give recommendations without changing the spreadsheet.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Copilot can use your outline or a Word document and auto-generate a slide deck. With simple commands, you can simplify longer presentations.

Microsoft Outlook: Besides quickly answering routine emails, Copilot can pull discussions from email threads and content across Microsoft 365. Copilot will also allow you to adjust the tone and length of your responses.

Business Chat: This new service taps into your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings, and contacts. You can boost your collaboration by using it as a single-window solution for your queries on projects and plans.

Is Microsoft 365 Copilot Right for You?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is designed to help users be more productive and efficient within the Microsoft 365 suite of applications. If you’re someone who spends a lot of time working in Microsoft 365, Copilot may be a helpful tool for you. However, if you’re someone who prefers to work without assistance, or if you’re concerned about the security implications of an AI-powered feature.

Microsoft 365 Copilot currently is only available to a limited set of customers, but you can expect it to come to your Microsoft 365 account soon.

Stay tuned for more information!