標籤存檔: Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365到底是什麼? 它能完全取代傳統的Office套件嗎? 答案可以有「」和「」。

Microsoft 365 是微軟提供的一套全面由雲端驅動的生產力和協作工具。 它將 WordExcelPowerPointOutlook 等熟悉的軟體應用程式與 OneDriveSharePointTeams 和 Exchange Online 等基於雲端的服務無縫結合。

Microsoft 365 使用戶可以跨多種裝置(包括電腦、平板電腦和智慧型手機)存取這些應用程式和服務,從而實現隨時隨地的無縫協作和工作。 它還提供即時共同創作、文件共享、電子郵件和日曆管理等功能。

Microsoft 365 提供不同的方案和訂閱,可滿足各種使用者和組織(包括小型企業、企業和教育機構)的需求。 它提供靈活的授權方案和可擴展性,適合各種規模的企業。


對小企業來說,科技既是祝福,也是潛在的風險。 雖然它有可能提高生產力並簡化您的業務運營,但它也會讓您面臨網路威脅。 Microsoft 365 的專門設計令系統平穩過渡到雲端,同時優先考慮安全性和生產力。 Microsoft 365 商業標準版或進階版是一款整合解決方案,不僅可以為您節省高達 60% 的授權成本,還可以將連接性和智慧結合在一起,幫助您創新、增強彈性並更有效地競爭。

此外,Microsoft 365現在也配備了AI(人工智慧)助理。 現在您可以使用 M365 中的 Copilot 來優化您的日常工作。 這款人工智慧助理簡化了您的日常任務,讓工作更有效率:

  • 電子郵件摘要:將冗長的電子郵件濃縮為簡短的見解。
  • 資料圖表化:將銷售資料轉換為清晰、資訊豐富的圖表。
  • 簡報魔術:將 Word 文件無縫轉換為投影片簡報。
  • 團隊見解:輕鬆從團隊聊天中捕捉重點。
  • 會議管理:根據會議摘要安排後續行動。

在 AccessOrange,我們致力於幫助小型企業取得成功。 作為 Microsoft 合作夥伴,我們可以透過專業的 IT 支援來簡化授權配置、續約和計費流程,從而節省您的時間和精力,以便您可以專注於您的核心業務。


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在不斷演進的生產力工具領域中,Microsoft 推出了一個具有突破性的功能,稱為 Microsoft 365 Copilot。 這一創新的功能結合了大型語言模型的強大功能和 Microsoft 365 的熟悉應用,為用戶提供了一種更自然、更直觀的完成工作任務的方式。 在這裡,我們將探討使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的五個主要優勢,以及它如何改變我們的工作方式。


  1. 提升生產力

Microsoft 365 Copilot 的主要優勢之一是它能夠增強生產力。 通過將 Copilot 整合到 Outlook 和 Teams 等應用程序中,用戶可以將電子郵件管理、會議協調和協作任務流程化。 Copilot 作為一個聰明的小助手,可以對關鍵討論點進行摘要,提供有價值的建議,並推薦下一步行動。 在 Copilot 的幫助下,會議變得更有效率,電子郵件回復時間大大縮短,節省寶貴的時間和精力。

  1. 無縫連接

Microsoft 365 Copilot 能夠無縫地與 Word、PowerPoint、Excel、Outlook 和 Teams 等應用程式進行連接,確保使用者擁有一致且統一的使用體驗。 這種集成消除了在多個工具之間切換的需要,讓使用者能夠在他們偏好的 Microsoft 365 應用程式中充分發揮 Copilot 的功能,提供一個一致且高效的工作流程。

  1. 提升技能

Microsoft 365 Copilot 提供了一個提升技能和知識的機會。 通過利用大型語言模型的能力,Copilot 在整個工作過程中提供上下文建議和指導。 無論是學習新技術還是探索不同的工作流程,Copilot 都成為一個寶貴的教練,幫助用戶快速掌握和應用新的方法論。 有了Copilot的幫助,你可以不斷發展和完善自己的技能,提高熟練度和專業知識。

  1. 發揮創造力

Microsoft 365 Copilot 通過與Word、PowerPoint和Excel等應用程式的無縫集結,使用戶能夠更充分發揮創意。 Copilot 在創建和編輯文件、演示文稿和數據分析方面讓整個過程更高效且更得心應手。 通過提供草稿建議、節省撰寫和數據收集時間以及提供快速反饋,Copilot成為了將想法實踐的寶貴助手。

  1. 強化決策能力

在任何專業環境中,做出明智的決策至關重要。 有了Microsoft 365 Copilot,用戶可以獲得有價值的洞察和建議,幫助他們做出決策。 Copilot能夠分析大量的數據並提供即時建議,使用戶能夠做出明智的選擇。 無論是分析趨勢、探索數據集還是解讀複雜的信息,Copilot都成為一個值得信賴的顧問,簡化決策過程,使用戶能夠獲得最佳結果。

Microsoft 365 Copilot 引領了生產力和效率的新時代,通過強大的大型語言模型和Microsoft 365應用程式的整合方式,徹底改變了我們的工作方式。 通過提高生產力、提供無縫集成、提升技能、發揮創造力和促進明智決策,Copilot成為現代職場中不可或缺的工具。 擁抱Microsoft 365 Copilot的好處,發揮你的全部潛力,實現專業成功。

使用 PowerShell 配置 Microsoft 365 隱私


現今協作工作環境,Microsoft 365 發揮著不可或缺的作用。 它們促進部門間溝通、項目協作和文檔的無縫共享。 然而,與所有工具一樣,它們的有效管理至關重要,特別是在數據隱私和安全方面。


許多 Microsoft 365 管理員面臨的一個常見挑戰是確保 Microsoft 365 組織的隱私設置正確。 創建群組時,成員可能會無意中將其保留為“公開”,從而允許組織內的任何用戶查看組織的內容。 這可能會帶來安全風險,特別是當這些組織持有敏感訊息時。

因此,出現了相關問題:管理員如何有效地更改這些組織的可見性,而無需單獨瀏覽每個組的 Microsoft 365 管理中心的迷宮?

PowerShell 神救援!!

PowerShell 是每個管理員都應該擁有的工具,它提供了一個解決方案。 通過利用為 Microsoft 365 定制的特定 cmdlet,我們可以快速有效地集體修改組設置。

以下是一個簡單但功能強大的腳本語言,可將所有“公共”Microsoft 365 組織的可見性更改為“私人”:

# Connect to Exchange Online
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <YourAdminUPN> -ShowProgress $true

# Retrieve all public Microsoft 365 Groups and change their visibility to private
$publicGroups = Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Where-Object { $_.AccessType -eq "Public" }
foreach ($group in $publicGroups) {
    Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $group.Identity -AccessType Private
    Write-Output "Updated group $($group.DisplayName) to private"


  1. Connect-ExchangeOnline: 此 cmdlet 與 Exchange Online 建立會話,這是必要的步驟,因為 Microsoft 365 組是 Exchange Online 中啟用郵箱的對象。
  2. Get-UnifiedGroup: 此 cmdlet 獲取所有 Microsoft 365 組織。 The -ResultSize Unlimited 參數確保我們檢索所有組而沒有任何默認限制。
  3. Where-Object: 這只會從我們獲取的列表中過濾掉公共組。
  4. Set-UnifiedGroup: 此 cmdlet 將每個公共組的可見性設置更改為私有。


數據隱私和安全至關重要,尤其是在當今的數位資安時代。 借助 PowerShell 等工具和手中的正確腳本語言,Microsoft 365 管理員可以確保更安全、更簡化的協作環境。 對於希望加強數據隱私,而不想花費數小時手動調整設置的中小企業來說,這個特殊的腳本語言被證明是非常寶貴的。





目前,Outlook 的 Copilot 功能只對一組選定的微軟客戶開放。我們預計它將很快發布,因此我們在下面列出了啟用 Copilot 的步驟,一旦它可用。


  1. 打開微軟Outlook,進入「文件」選項。
  2. 點擊「選項」,並從左側菜單中選擇「郵件」。
  3. 向下滾動至「撰寫郵件」部分,並點擊「編輯器選項」按鈕。
  4. 在編輯器選項窗口中,選擇「校對」選項卡。
  5. 勾選「使用Copilot幫助我撰寫更好的郵件」旁的方框,然後點擊「確定」保存更改。




  1. 像平常一樣,在Outlook中開始撰寫郵件。
  2. 在您輸入文字的同時,Copilot會分析您的內容並即時顯示相關建議。
  3. 建議可能是句子重寫、詞語替換或風格改進。
  4. 審閱Copilot提供的建議,選擇那些能夠增強您的郵件的建議。
  5. 點擊選中的建議,Copilot將把它們插入到您的郵件中。



  1. 寫作協助:Copilot幫助您完成句子、糾正語法並提供上下文建議,以提升郵件的整體質量。
  2. 可讀性分析:Copilot提供有關郵件可讀性的反饋,幫助您確保清晰明瞭。
  3. 語氣和禮貌檢查:Copilot可以分析郵件的語氣,並提供建議以保持專業和尊重的溝通風格。
  4. 主題行建議:Copilot提供主題行建議,以吸引注意力並提高郵件的開封率。
  5. 寫作信心指示器:Copilot為每個建議顯示信心指示器,讓您在接受或拒絕建議時能夠做出明智的決策。



  1. 打開微軟Outlook,進入「文件」選項。
  2. 點擊「選項」,並從左側菜單中選擇「郵件」。
  3. 向下滾動至「撰寫郵件」部分,並點擊「編輯器選項」按鈕。
  4. 在編輯器選項窗口中,選擇「校對」選項卡。
  5. 點擊「Copilot」旁的「設定」按鈕,以訪問自定義選項。



Microsoft Teams has become a central hub for collaboration and communication for millions of people around the world. With the pandemic driving the need for remote work and virtual meetings, Teams has become an essential tool for businesses, schools, and organizations of all kinds. Now, Microsoft has announced a new preview of the Teams interface that aims to make the platform even more user-friendly and customizable.

Cleaner, More Modern Look

One of the most noticeable changes in the new Teams interface is the cleaner, more modern look. The new interface features more white space and updated icons, making it easier on the eyes and less cluttered. The cleaner look also extends to the chat and channel lists, with less visual noise allowing users to focus on the most important information.

Redesigned Navigation Bar

The new Teams interface is designed to provide users with a more streamlined and efficient experience. One of the most significant changes is the redesigned navigation bar, which allows users to switch between different sections of Teams more easily. The navigation bar now includes icons for the most frequently used sections, including chats, calls, files, and apps. Users can customize the order of these icons to prioritize the features they use most often.

Customizable Views

In addition to the redesigned navigation bar, the new Teams interface includes customizable views. This feature allows users to tailor the layout of their Teams experience to fit their needs. For example, users can choose to display their chat and channel lists side-by-side or collapse them to save screen space. This customization also extends to app access, with users able to directly access third-party integrations from the left-hand rail. This feature makes it easier for users to find and use the apps they need without having to navigate through multiple menus.

Improved Search Functionality

Microsoft has also improved the search functionality in the new Teams interface. Users can now find messages, files, and other content more easily with improved search filters and suggestions. Additionally, Microsoft has made it easier to access keyboard shortcuts, making it faster and more efficient to navigate Teams with the keyboard.

Command Bar

Another significant change in the new Teams interface is the introduction of the command bar. The command bar is a new feature that provides quick access to frequently used commands, such as starting a new chat or creating a new channel. This feature makes it easier for users to perform common actions without having to navigate through multiple menus or use the mouse.

Accessibility Improvements

The new Teams interface is designed to be more user-friendly for people with disabilities. Microsoft has made improvements to the accessibility of Teams, including the ability to customize the contrast and font size of the interface. Additionally, Microsoft has improved the compatibility of Teams with assistive technologies, making it easier for people with disabilities to use Teams to collaborate and communicate.

Multi-Language Support

Microsoft is committed to making Teams a more inclusive and equitable platform for all users. As part of this commitment, Microsoft has made the new Teams interface available in more languages than ever before. The new interface supports over 40 languages, making it easier for users around the world to use Teams in their preferred language.

Improved Account Switching

Collaborating efficiently across organizational boundaries can be a challenge, especially when managing multiple work or school accounts. One major issue is the inability to receive real-time notifications during calls or meetings between different accounts and organizations. Switching between accounts or organizations can also be disruptive, requiring frequent logins and logouts that interrupt workflow.

The new Teams interface addresses these challenges by allowing users to be actively signed into multiple accounts simultaneously and receive real-time notifications regardless of which one is currently in use. This means that users can seamlessly engage with individuals across multiple accounts and organizations without the need to drop out of a call or meeting, ensuring a smooth workflow.

How to get the Preview

The new Teams interface is designed to be more user-friendly, customizable, and accessible. With a redesigned navigation bar, customizable views, and a cleaner, more modern look, the new interface provides a more streamlined and efficient experience for users. The improved search functionality, command bar, and accessibility features make Teams more accessible and efficient for all users, including those with disabilities. The new Teams interface is currently available in preview, with Microsoft planning to roll it out to all users in the coming months. Users can try out the new interface by enabling the “Preview” in the Admin center.

Here is how you can preview the new Teams experience today:

1. Open the Teams desktop app on your Windows machine.

2. Turn on the Try the new Teams toggle at the top left corner of the Teams app.

3. Select Get it now from the pop-out dialogue. The new Teams will start installing.

4. Your Teams app will reboot to open the new Teams experience. Any subsequent actions you take will happen in the new Teams by default, like joining a Teams meeting from Outlook.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards hybrid working, and technology has played a major role in this. With Teams Phone, users can easily make and receive calls, whether they are in the office, at home, or on the go, making it an important tool for this hybrid world. Not only does it allow you to work wherever you want, but it also increases the efficiency and flexibility of communication, ensuring that you are always reachable.

Teams Phone offers several benefits over traditional telephony, making it an attractive solution for modern businesses. Here are five important benefits of Teams Calling:

  1. Seamless integration with other Teams features: Teams Calling is integrated with other Microsoft Teams features, including chat, file sharing, and video conferencing. This means that users can seamlessly switch between different communication tools in one app, making it easier to collaborate and communicate efficiently.
  2. Location flexibility: With Teams Phone, users can easily communicate and collaborate regardless of their location, whether they are working from home, on the go, or in the office. Teams Calling also offers various useful features, such as voicemail and call forwarding to other team members, which helps streamline communication.
  3. Cost-saving: Teams Phoneoften offers lower costs compared to traditional telephony solutions because it is a cloud-based solution that doesn’t require expensive hardware or maintenance costs.
  4. Increased productivity: With Teams Phone, users can quickly and easily get in touch with colleagues and customers, which can increase productivity by reducing the time spent looking for the right contact or switching between different communication tools.
  5. New features and improvements: Microsoft continues to add new features and improvements to Teams Phone, making it increasingly attractive for businesses. From call recording to improved sound quality, Teams Phone continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern workers.

We have implemented Teams Phone with many of our customers to optimize their accessibility, allowing them to directly call employees instead of a central number, which has improved the scalability and efficiency of their communication. With Teams Phone, customers never have to wait long for an available employee as the call goes to the next available employee on the list.

Teams Calling Features

Microsoft has added some new features to Teams Phone, making it even easier to communicate and collaborate with colleagues and customers, both in the office and outside.

One of these new features is the ability to put a caller on hold and transfer them to another colleague. This is especially useful for companies with multiple departments or teams, as it allows for more efficient communication and can improve workflow.

Another recent addition is the ability to record conversations*. This can be useful, for example, for capturing important information during a call, training employees, or for legal purposes. It is also now possible to speak text messages instead of typing them, making it even easier to communicate quickly.

* Not available in all regions. Contact us for more information about call recording.

Finally, Microsoft has improved the sound quality of Teams Phone, using new technologies for noise and echo suppression. This reduces background noise and improves overall call quality, which is essential for effective communication.

Teams Phone is an essential tool for businesses looking to streamline their communication and collaboration processes. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible Teams Phone experience. If you have any questions about Teams Phone or would like to learn more about how we can help your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you.