Tag Archive for: Office 365
We have organized a free webinar on how to optimize Teamwork while working from home using technologies like Office 365 and Microsoft Teams.
Hong Kong, April 12, 2020 — AccessOrange, a leading IT provider that helps businesses work smarter by implementing innovative cloud solutions, today announced it has achieved Microsoft Gold Partner status on the Cloud Productivity and Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions competency. This latest Microsoft Gold Competency recognizes AccessOrange as one of the premier Microsoft partners driving the adoption of the Microsoft 365 and Azure platform in the Asia Pacific region.
To earn a Microsoft Gold competency, partners must prove excellence and customer satisfaction in delivering Microsoft 365 and Azure solutions and demonstrate expertise through rigorous exams, culminating in Microsoft certifications.
“Achieving Microsoft Gold Partner status reflects our continued commitment to help our customers adopt cloud solutions such as Microsoft 365 and Azure.” said Roald Andersen, Director of Operations at AccessOrange. “We are proud to be recognized for our expertise in delivering innovative Microsoft solutions to our customers. Achieving Microsoft Gold Cloud Productivity and Gold Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions reflects our continued commitment to help our customers maximize the benefits of the cloud.”
AccessOrange helps companies work smarter by implementing innovative cloud solutions, such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365 for which they provide adoption & migration services, training and support. Microsoft Teams & SharePoint Implementations are a major part of their service portfolio.
The Microsoft Partner Network helps partners strengthen their capabilities to showcase leadership in the marketplace on the latest technology, to better serve customers and to easily connect with one of the most active, diverse networks in the world.
For more information about AccessOrange, please visit www.accessorange.com
This week, Microsoft announced that the long awaited Guest Access function is now available for all Office 365 business and education customers. As of now, Office 365 users can add people from outside their company to a team, so guests can participate in chats, join meetings, collaborate on documents, and more.
However, There is an important requirement for the guest access to work:
The invited guest needs to have an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account.
This means that anyone across Microsoft commercial cloud services and third-party Azure AD integrated apps can be added as a guest in Teams. In Other words, if you have an existing Azure AD account, or Office 365 work or school account, you can be invited as a guest.
How does guest access looks like
When a guest is invited to join a team, they receive a welcome email message that includes information about the team. The guest must accept the invitation in the email message before they can access the team.
All team members see a message announcing that the team owner has added a guest and providing the guest’s name. Everyone on the team can identify easily who is a guest, as a banner indicates “This team has guests” and a “GUEST” label appears next to each guest’s name.
For more information about guest access, please visit this link.
Teams is available to customers with Office 365 Enterprise E1–E5, Business Essentials, Business Premium and Education subscription plans. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
本周, 微軟宣佈新的微軟規劃者移動應用軟體現在可用於 iPhone 和 Android 手機。從5月31日開始, 目前的Planner用戶可以使用這個配套應用程序在旅途中查看和更新他們的計劃。
雖然先前的Planner只能在網路上使用, 但新的Planner應用程式現能在 Android 和 iPhone 平臺上使用, 這是 Office 365 社群中經常被要求新增的功能之一。
Planner是Office 365套件的一部分,提供了一種簡單,直觀的方式來組織團隊合作。 Planner可讓您的團隊輕鬆創建新計劃,組織和分配任務,共享文件,聊天工作內容以及獲取進度更新。
針對 Office 365 客戶的電子郵件詐騙
請注意,目前有一個針對 Office 365 客戶的線上電子郵件騙局正流行。
此電子郵件中的鏈接會將您重定向到“假的”Office 365登入頁面。
當使用者輸入使用者名和密碼時, 它將直接發送到駭客, 他們可以使用資訊登入您的 Office 365 帳戶。
請與您的所有的同事分享此資訊, 以防止任何敏感資訊洩漏。

很顯然,這不是Office 365或Microsoft網站。所以如果您不確定電子郵件的來源,請在打開文件之前先與發件人聯繫。
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在過去幾星期我們已經成功為不少客戶轉用office 365.
其中有一個很特別的例子:這個中型企業客戶(因私隱問題不方便透露公司名稱)在香港大約有80名僱員的中型公司.他們考慮了一段時間轉用Office 365 而最終他們轉用了Office 365商務版,這包括了Exchange 電子郵件服務,還有所有Microsoft 軟件如PowerPiont ,Microsoft Word,Microsoft Excel …. ,One drive (雲端服務)還有Share point.
經過幾次會面和Office 365 簡短的示範,第一部就是要登記公司名稱,地址登記,聯絡人.但最重要的是你需要建立一個user ID作為一個公司的域名Domain name.而這個名稱作為日後的公司域名登記.例如:貴公司AccessoOrange,我們便登記為accessorange.onmicrosoft.com .
以下是微軟對OFFICE 365 的對話回覆:
當你第一次登記服務Office 365 建立一個domain 給你, 如contoso.onmicrosoft.com,你的user ID就會做了domain name 好像 [email protected].
當你想使用專屬個人郵件是[email protected] 可以選擇這個domain 或者使用[email protected] (user ID和Domian )在office 365.
- 當你建立一個DOMAIN 名稱往後不能轉用名稱. 例如 initial domain 你建立時選了fourthcoffee.onmicrosoft.com, 往後不能轉為 fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com. 如果你選擇用其他名稱 onmicrosoft.com domain, 你便要重新登記用戶名稱在 Office 365.
- 您無法重新命名您的網址. 你的網址建於onmicrosoft.com domain name, 並且由於SharePoint Online的關係,您無法重新命名網站。
- 你不可刪除 onmicrosoft domain. Office 365 需要domain name 作為訂閱. 但你可以選擇專屬自己個人的domain name.
Domain 真的這樣重要?
以上的對話看來 Domain 不是那麼重要.因為您可以稍後將Office365與您自己的公司domain相關連接起來,並且所有用戶都使用其[email protected]作為登錄.
但是,Microsoft提到的第二點是您無法重新命名公司網站URL.如果您計劃使用SharePoint,共享點URL將鏈接到您的帳戶名稱,在這種情況下便會轉為[companyname] .sharepoint.com.因此,您的公司名稱很重要.
過去我們曾經遇到無數的客戶都同樣遇到相同的問題. 可能在全球有其他公司採用同樣的公司名字(真的不巧跟客戶公司名一樣)他們很早便轉用OFFICE 365 ,這樣的話,公司便不能採用公司名稱作DOMAIN 了.
如果員工已經離開了公司,如何找回密碼可能是一件複雜的事情,因為您可能無法找回以前的記錄. 在這種情況下,可以與Microsoft聯繫,但是它們將驗證註冊人是否使用了同一公司名稱(比對公司電子郵件地址). 如果這些不一樣,您可能會發現自己處於困難的情況去證明帳戶ID屬於您的公司.
但萬一不能用回DOMAIN NAME怎樣做?
如果您無法證明擁有domain ,那麼您只剩下一個選擇,也就是使用另一個帳戶名稱,用一些接近原始名稱或相似.有些公司選擇加上有限公司或國家名稱.只要帳戶不被使用,你可以選擇作為domain name.
隨著Office 365有更多客戶續漸登記愈來愈多,您所需的用戶名將被其他人註冊機會將增加. 因此,我們希望正在考慮使用Office 365的公司早些開始註冊一兩個賬戶。 至少通過這樣做,您可以確保您所需的公司ID和SharePoint名稱將成為您的公司重要ID.